Brand Positioning Statement is too important to be ignored. It drives all the future actions regarding brands. This presentation shows importance of Brand Positioning Statement and its various elements. Many examples of reputed brands makes the learning much easier.
1.56 MB (23 Slides)
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Product Life Cycle is explained in detail. This presentation go through different stages of product life and also depict the marketing strategies for longer product life cycle. Simple and comprehensive presentation.
826 KB (24 Slides)
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This 23 slides presentation covers the need and components of Business Plan. It covers the total aspect of Business Plan in Detail.
736 KB (23 Slides)
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Employee recognition has become inherent and critical part of HR. This process includes other departments and people as well. This pps tells some guidelines in brief about acheiving total recognition program success.
987KB (67 Slides)
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Highlights Leadership Challenges and give guidelines for value based leadership in line with value, mission and vision of the organization.
404KB (77 Slides)
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Business Plan Innovation and its role and importance in Entrepreneurship. Starts from very basics of innovation and gradually build up on that.

114KB (55 Slides)
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What is Engagement and What are the steps you can take to enhance and know engagement level of your employees.

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